Amir Boukhetouta

MSc Student
Research Topics


  • Description
  • Maitrise en génie de construction (ETS)-Canada

In his Masters Project at (ÉTS), Amir is investigating Quality management in the operation and maintenance phases in BIM models and tools that allow us to automate the process of controlling the quality of BIM models. Information can be controlled, transferred, and delivered in an efficient way. During his bachelor and his first masters Amir developed a strong competence in structural analysis, including steel, concrete technologies, Materials, design and calculation softwares. His second masters allow him to specialize more in project management in construction specifically in the digitalization of the industry: BIM, process reengineering, Data management, FM...

  • Research Title

Automation of the quality control process of BIM models for operation and maintenance management of buildings


  • Education

M.Sc. Structural engineering, University of science and technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) - Algiers, Algeria.

Oct. 2018 - Oct. 2020

B.Sc. Civil engineering, University of science and technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) - Algiers, Algeria.

Sept. 2015 - Jul. 2018

  • Professional Experience

Kiewit-Eurovia-Vinci partnership (KEV) Project management intern – Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Jan. 2022 - present

Construction Company based in Algiers Steel engineer intern - Algiers, Algeria.
Dec 2018 - Oct. 2020