Mehrzad Shahinmoghadam
- Description
- Ph.D. Student, Department of Construction Engineering, École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS)
In his doctoral research program, Mehrzad is investigating cognitive digital twins of buildings: highly interactive digital replicas of actual buildings equipped with self-learning power. During his masters studies, he developed a solid background in knowledge-based AI approaches including: ontology engineering, rule-based reasoning, and fuzzy systems. Now, he is exploring the potential of machine learning for knowledge discovery from semantically linked historical building data. Also, he is exploring the links between BIM and IoT ecosystems to enable enrichment of digital models with live streams of sensor data to provide an integrated view of the building life-cycle data. To maintain the essential role of the human experts, i.e., accounting for the Human-In-The-Loop paradigm, he investigates the potential of Augmented/Virtual Reality applications to deliver immersive and intuitively interactive experiences for building visual analytics.
- Research Title
BIM-IoT Integrated Framework for AR/VR-assisted Facility Monitoring and Control
- Education
M.Sc.Project & Construction Management, Shahid Beheshti University - Tehran, Iran.
Sep. 2015 - Dec.
B.Sc.Civil Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology - Tehran, Iran.
Sep. 2008 - Aug.
- Professional Experience
Private commercial-residential 11- story building project
Construction site manager - Tehran, Iran.
Feb. 2015 – Aug.
Baadband Structure Industrial Engineering Co. Ltd
Assistant project manager - Tehran, Iran.
May. 2013 – Jan.
BIM-IoT-integrated Architectures as the Backbone of Cognitive Buildings: Current State and Future Directions
Motamedi, A., & Shahinmoghadam, M. (2021). BIM-IoT-integrated Architectures as the Backbone of Cognitive Buildings: Current State and Future Directions. In BIM-enabled Cognitive Computing for Smart Built Environment (pp. 45–68). CRC Press.
An Ontology-Based Mediation Framework for Integrating Federated Sources of BIM and IoT Data
Shahinmoghadam, M., & Motamedi, A. (2020). An Ontology-Based Mediation Framework for Integrating Federated Sources of BIM and IoT Data. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 907–923.
Review of BIM-centered IoT deployment: State of the Art, Opportunities, and Challenges
Shahinmoghadam, M., & Motamedi, A. (2019). Review of BIM-centered IoT deployment: State of the Art, Opportunities, and Challenges. 2019 Proceedings of the 36th ISARC, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1268–1275.
CA-FCM: Towards a formal representation of expert’s causal judgements over construction project changes
Shahinmoghaddam, M., Nazari, A., & Zandieh, M. (2018). CA-FCM: Towards a formal representation of expert’s causal judgements over construction project changes. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 38, 620–638.