Mehrzad Shahinmoghadam

PhD Candidate

An Ontology-Based Mediation Framework for Integrating Federated Sources of BIM and IoT Data

Shahinmoghadam, M., & Motamedi, A. (2020). An Ontology-Based Mediation Framework for Integrating Federated Sources of BIM and IoT Data. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 907–923.


Review of BIM-centered IoT deployment: State of the Art, Opportunities, and Challenges

Shahinmoghadam, M., & Motamedi, A. (2019). Review of BIM-centered IoT deployment: State of the Art, Opportunities, and Challenges. 2019 Proceedings of the 36th ISARC, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1268–1275.


CA-FCM: Towards a formal representation of expert’s causal judgements over construction project changes

Shahinmoghaddam, M., Nazari, A., & Zandieh, M. (2018). CA-FCM: Towards a formal representation of expert’s causal judgements over construction project changes. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 38, 620–638.